Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I traveled to Europe and saw Cuba...

Today we went to Rotterdam Netherland to see the Dutch National Team take on the Cuban National Team. The game went well. The players for both teams were of much higher caliber that I have seen here since I have arrived. Many of these players are really just missing Pro Ball back in the States or they have already played and have been released for some reason, and for the Cuban National team they had so much talent, it is almost sad to see guys with the tools that these Cubans have and the fact that it is near impossible to get in the big leagues. I was really happy I was able to see the Dutch National Team play but I was more excited to see the Cuban Nationa Team play and they lived up to what I expected. They could hit, they were fast, and they could flat out play baseball. They ended up winning 7-1. During the game I met a wife of one of the Dutch National players... He had played in the Belgian league last season and was originally from the States but has a grandmother that is Dutch. Anyhow the wife was speaking great English so I asked her where she was from... Derby Oklahoma and she and her husband had attended Semionole Junior College... only to find out she knew Jacob Eckley... go Burke Bulldogs... What a small world.
We took the drive home and it became an exciting car ride when rain came. The roads began to get to much water and at one point on the highway I started to hydroplane some and I was having a really hard time seeing the lines so it was very adventurous, but we made it safely back.


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